
Evolution of a Man

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Post Injury and Training

My last post was on the 11th of January, and it was after I had hurt my knee.  More accurately, I had hurt my quadrilateral muscles at the place where they attached to my knee.  This was after I had run 12 miles for the first time.

Since then, I’ve been going to a physical therapist,  It’s been really helpful to have some guidance on the types and amounts of stretches and strengthening exercises.  I started them the Tuesday after the 12 miler where I aggravated them in the first place, and skipped all my runs for the remainder of the week, and we pushed our Saturday big run until Sunday..but I still missed it come Sunday.  My leg still just wasn’t up to snuff.  I tried to run again on Monday, and only got a half an hour out when I knew I had to stop, or else.

I had thoughts of dashing the marathon.

I really didn’t want to give up though.  Twice a day since then, I’ve been doing my exercises, and have seen the Physical Therapist 4 other times (with two more scheduled).  On the 19th, I went out with Chris to run, having the blessing of my PT and the feeling like I could go and do it…and I DID!  I ran 14 miles on January 19th, which surpasses the 13.1 mark for a 1/2 marathon!  My knee felt really good, and I was happy to have made it out.

I thought with my stretches that I’d be able to run my regular monday/wednesday/thursday/saturday schedule the following week.  This was not to be however.  My knee strikes again!  after the 14, I couldn’t muster the will to run through the pain (and I didn’t want to really damage an already achy knee).  Additionally, come Wednesday, it snowed heavily here.  The paths were icy and slick, and we decided to not run and risk injury (especially in the dark wee hours of the morning).  It persisted even on Saturday, but I needed to get back out there.

I ended up going to Claude Moore Park, where they have an indoor running track, full gym, and pool.  My PT had mentioned that running in a pool could keep me training when I couldn’t handle the impact with my knee, so to Claude Moore Park I went on Saturday the 26th.  I thought to eschew the pool until I needed to, so I went to the elevated indoor track, stretched for a good half hour before hand, and began.  I had intended to run 16 miles, but ended with 13.3 miles in, having run for about 2 hours.  Boredom had done me in, in the end – the Fellowship of the Ring was completed, and I had neglected to bring the Two Towers to continue the quest.  Music was ok for a while, but every lap I saw the clock on the wall, not moving.  It was pretty demotivating.  After the 2 hours of running, I gave up the goose and did another 20mins of stretching.  I had a banana, and a blueberry protein shake (which both felt amazing).

This morning Chris and I ran 8 miles.  The backs of my legs and knees felt pretty tight, but it wasn’t unbearable and I was able to keep running for the finish.  My goal this weekend, in keeping in line with my schedule, is to run 18 miles this weekend.  That’s a fair clip farther than the 14 we ran, and we never ran the 16 we were supposed to hit.  I think it’s worth doing though, especially as we wind down towards the marathon.  Those long training runs are going to be essential training for our mental state of being.  We need to know we can run that far before we get to the marathon.  They say its a mental game, and I’m starting to believe that it will be, but that’s only if the physical game allows us to get there.

Until then.


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Physical Therapy, out for a week.

I went to see a physical therapist, to evaluate my knee and get some tips for making it better, and to receive some advice on when I should go running again. After an initial evaluation, I was told that I basically have slight tendonitis in the patella (kneecap), where my quads attach, and stretching will help, as well as strengthening exercises. She prescribed the following stretches and strengthening exercises (for both legs, to keep them evenly worked out). These exercises are intended to strengthen the quads to the point where they can handle the amount of running I’m throwing at them.


hamstringstretchHamstring stretch

Your hamstring muscle runs along the back of your upper leg. To stretch your hamstring muscles:

  • Lie on the floor near the outer corner of a wall or a door frame.
  • Raise your left leg and rest your left heel against the wall. Keep your left knee slightly bent.
  • Gently straighten your left leg until you feel a stretch along the back of your left thigh.
  • Hold for about 20 seconds.
  • Switch legs and repeat.
  • As your flexibility increases, maximize the stretch by gradually scooting yourself closer to the wall or door frame.
  • Repeat this for each leg 3 times.


Iliotibial Band Stretch

The iliotibial band (ITB) is a band of tissue that runs along the outside of your hip, thigh and knee. To stretch your ITB:

  • Stand near a wall or a piece of sturdy exercise equipment for support.
  • Cross your left leg over your right leg at the ankle.
  • Extend your left arm overhead, reaching toward your right side. You’ll feel a stretch along your left hip.
  • Hold for about 20 seconds.
  • Switch sides and repeat.
  • Do each leg 3 times.




Wall Stretch (Weight bearing Gastrocnemius and soleus muscles)

This stretch primarily addresses tension and lack of range of motion in the gastrocnemius muscle (outer calf), soleus muscle (inner calf), achilles tendonposterior tibial tendon and the plantar fascia.

  • This stretch is best performed in a doorway, although any other flat surface will work. Always perform this stretch while wearing supportive footwear.
  • Stand in the doorway, arms’ length away. Place one forefoot up against the door jam with the heel seated firmly on the floor.
  • Grab the door fame at waist level and pull your hip toward the door frame. Tension should develop anywhere from the back of the knee down through the calf, achilles, heel and into the long arch.
  • Hold for 20 seconds
  • repeat for each leg, 3 times.

lying quad stretch

Lying Quad Stretch

  • Lie on the edge of a table or bed.
  • let one half of your body lean off
  • While holding on to something to keep you on the table/bed, grab the ankle of the leg hanging off (or use a band to pull it).
  • Allow a deep stretch to happen, while pulling the ankle towards the butt.

I was also prescribed some preliminary strengthening exercises (isometrics).  


short arc quads

Short Arc Quads.

  • Place a towel roll under your knee.
  • Kick your leg up working to straighten the knee.
  • Complete 2 sets of 10 reps each leg.

straight leg raise

Straight Leg Raise (Flexion)

  • Tighten your thigh. Once you have the thigh muscle tight, raise the entire leg so your foot raises 10 inches.
  • Lower the leg and relax the thigh muscle. It is important to relax the thigh between repetitions so that you get good at illuming your thigh muscle on and off .
  • Complete 2 sets of 10 reps, each leg.

cross legged adduction

Cross-leg Adduction

In the images above, the exercise I’m doing is the bottom example.

  • Hold your trunk tight and keep your back straight
  • Lie on your side and support your head
  • Cross your top leg in front of you
  • Keep your bottom leg straight
  • Raise your bottom leg so your foot is level with (or slightly higher than) the opposite hip
  • Lower the leg so your foot touches the floor

quad sets with flexion

Quad sets (with Flexion)

  • Sit with a rolled hand towel under the knee
  • exert as much force as you can downward with the knee onto the towel.
  • Repeat 2 sets of 10 repetitions, holding each for 3 seconds, for each leg.

If you feel like getting into running, these are some great stretches and exercises to prepare your muscles and ligaments for the task.  I wish I had a list of these when I started.

Enjoy, and happy running!

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I’m Jacked UP!

Well, F.

My left knee is pretty messed up.  The day of our 12 mile run, it was achey, but not unbearable.  The next day however (even with appropriate stretching, nutrition, and manual removal of lactic acid buildup), my knee was more than just achey.  It hurt to bend it, particularly when lifting as well (think stairs and walking).

Pain in a knee. sports trauma




The run was on Sunday, and it’s Wednesday now, and I’m still hurting.  Not as much, but it’s still there.  I bought a knee brace and have been wearing it.  It helps.  I also have a hot gel pack to let the pain soak away with.  I had to miss a training run this morning, which sucks…and i’m worried that I’ll miss the 14 miler this weekend.  It isn’t a huge deal if I have to, I’m not married to the idea, I just would rather run it than not (or rather, I’d like to be healthy enough to run it than not).

I scheduled an evaluation appointment at Loudoun Sports Therapy Center, to begin physical therapy on my knee.  Hopefully they’ll have some good tips or answers for me with this part of the journey.

My thoughtful wife Jessica sent me an article, with some highlights too.  Here they are.

Strengthen The Quadriceps.

Leg curls using a weight machine is a good way to do this, but make sure you start out with light weights until your strength increases. Another exercise is simply knee bends. Here you hold onto a table or something similar for support and gradually bend the knees until the thighs are almost horizontal. Then straighten up and repeat. Using the front of your feet makes this more effective, and do not go beyond the horizontal, which just puts extra strain on the knee joints.

Wear Stability Shoes If You Pronate

Check with your local running store (or physiotherapist) if you suspect that you have a foot strike problem. Then buy the appropriate shoes to correct this. I also like to wear cushioning shoes for marathon training, but this is a personal choice and might not suit everyone.

Avoid Sloping Running Surfaces

If you frequently run on paved roads, try to pick a flatter area where possible. Even the sidewalk is preferable although it is often a harder surface. Running tracks in gyms are usually banked, so try to avoid these as much as possible.

Be Wary Of Speed Work

Although speedwork is often called for in more advanced marathon programs, it can be a major contributor to knee problems. If you decide to do this as part of your training, go for the longer (slower) intervals rather than the short bursts of fast running. Most of us can run a successful marathon without including any formal speedwork in our training.

Take It Easy On The Hills

Hill work is a great way to improve your leg strength and aerobic capacity, and should be part of your marathon training. However too aggressive an approach, and going too fast on the downhill, can be very detrimental to your knees. This is where the ‘listen to your body’ advice comes in. If you have been strengthening your quads, and you are wearing the right footwear you are probably OK. Just ease off the moment you start to feel any discomfort.

I’m going to focus on the PT and strengthening my quads.  Hopefully I’ll be up to running, and not limping around my house before too long.


Week 15, where I learned that running 12 miles is hard.


The run of the 6th of January was my 49th training run, the last run of the 15th week!  (Week 15: Dec. 29th-Jan. 6th)

49 runs in, 15 weeks down, 10 weeks to go and I’ll be running the Saturday Rock N’ Roll Marathon in Washington, DC.

Week 15 Statistics!

Average Run

  • 00:58:17

Average Pace

  • 8:55 /mile

Average Distance

  • 6.51 miles

Notable week 15 information:

  • We ran 12 miles on Sunday…technically it was the the first run of week 16, but we really just pushed our Saturday run to Sunday…bygones.  We took the W&OD trail for the first time, which is a trail in Virginia nestled in the right of way of the former W&OD railroad tracks.  It’s straight and level, and goes on for MILES.
  • The run was good, and I wasn’t having any problems at all, until around mile 10.  At this point, my leg was starting to dully ache, and my knee was as well.  Plus, you could see down the trail for miles, and I could see the overpass that marked the ending of our route.  It was torture to see it so far away, and never feeling like it got any closer.  Those last miles were like standing and intently watching a pot boiling when you’re starving.
  • Along the trail, EVILLY, there is a restaurant called Carolina Brother’s Pit Barbeque.  I’ve never wanted barbeque so badly as I did when passing this joint.  I’ve put it to Chris, I’d like to park next to the place next time, and start on the trial FROM there, so we can end there and pig out (no pork puns intended).  Plus, next week it’ll be 14 miles, which means we’ll complete, for the first time, a half marathon!  Well, more than half actually, half is 13.1, but whatever.
  • My wonderful wife had cooked a delicious fish for lunch, and it was served with a salad and some gluten free pierogies, and it was all delicious.
  • I had the power gel for the big run, and it was OK.  Much more liquid than the last, but still mostly shitty.  Chris had these gummy things with gel inside, much better and easier to eat.  I’m going to have to get a pack I think.
  • balins-tomb2As has been my usual, while running I was listening to the Lord of the Rings, unabridged, on my iPhone.    The fellowship of the rings is deep in Moria, and the drums have been sounded.  They’re surrounded, and the words written by Ori in Balin’s book are looking doubly grim.

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Week 14!


The run of the 29th of December was my 45th training run, the last run of the 14th week!  (Week 14: Dec. 23rd-Dec. 29th)

45 runs in, 14 weeks down, 11 weeks to go and I’ll be running the Saturday Rock N’ Roll Marathon in Washington, DC.

Week 14 Statistics!

Average Run

  • 01:11:18

Average Pace

  • 9:24 /mile

Average Distance

  • 7.52 miles

Greg running in SnowNotable week 14 information:

  • The Saturday big run this week was 11 miles.  That’s from my house in Lowes Island, down Algonkian all the way to Route 7, and back.  Seems like such a long time….
  • Chris and I went to Potomac River Running.  I went specifically for new gloves (I had cheap Champion brand gloves from Target).  I give them 0/5 stars.  First, they were supposed to be useable for touch screens.  That capability went away in the first week, for some reason.  Second, they busted the seams in short order, that was about week 3.  This was with NO holding things, just running in the wind.  BOOOO.  I bought a pair of Saucony gloves, with mitten covers, and the thumb and forefinger pull back to enable you to use touchscreens.  I plan on these lasting much longer.
  • I also bought a balaclava, anticipating biting winds and colder temperatures as we roll deeper into winter.  We talked to them about what to wear for cold temps, and we’ve been doing what we’re supposed to do; layers, layers, and more layers.
  • I had a big strawberry whey protein shake when I got home, and it tasted really great!  I was happy that I wouldn’t have to choke down a whole jar of stuff I didn’t like.
  • I’ve tried out some gels for some calories on the longer runs.  at around 6 miles I pulled out a Montana Huckleberry Hammer Gel.  It did the trick, and I definitely got a boost out of it – and not in a bad, or jittery way.  I just noticed that I had some energy.  The problem was, it had a consistency of thick toothpaste, and it stuck on my lips when I missed (a reality while running and trying to eat).  It tasted well enough though…but I think next time I might try the Cliff Shot Bloks.
  • It started to hail around mile 6, and settled into fluffy snow around mile 8.  It wasn’t cold, or if it was I was too warm from running to notice.  I did notice the piece of hail bounce off my eyeball though, that SUCKED.
  • Frodo finally reached Rivendell, having faced the Nazgul at Bruinen, and survived with the help of the Elf Lord Glorfindel.  Fabulous reading.

Nazgul at Bruinen

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Week 12 – 8 miles is a long way to run.


“Don’t judge each day by the harvest that you reap, judge it by the seeds that you plant” – Robert Louis Stevenson

The run of the 15th of December was my 39th training run, the last run of the 12th week!  (Week 12: Dec. 9th-Dec. 15th)

39 runs in, 12 weeks down, 13 weeks to go and I’ll be running the Saturday Rock N’ Roll Marathon in Washington, DC.

Week 12 Statistics!

Average Run

  • 00:45:23

Average Pace

  • 9:03 /mile

Average Distance

  • 4.98 miles

Notable week 12 information:

  • My injured leg is feeling much better.  It still gets a little sore after a run, but not sore enough that I have to quit, nor sore enough that i can’t make my following run.  I am going to stick with the stretches and keep it limber, and keep going to the chiropractor for adjustments.
  • I ran 8 miles on Saturday.  8 miles seems like a long way to go and it is…but I never felt like it was too far, or that my leg was going to give out on me.  I remembered seeing a commercial on television during the Olympics, where a guy was doing running and was listening to books on his iPhone.  I have tons of audio books, I used to listen to them while I worked, so I put the unabridged Lord of the Rings on my phone, and have been listening to it.  What a difference it makes!  I can zone out to the book, and even though i’m running it feels almost like I’m curling up with a good book to get entertained.   I’m almost ready to go run again, if only for the chance to hear the next chapter in Frodo’s saga.

“You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.” – C.S. Lewis

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Running Wounded

“Relish the bad training runs. Without them it’s difficult to recognize, much less appreciate, the good ones.” 
-Pat Teske

The run of the 1st of December was my 34st training run, the last run of the 11th week!  (Week 11: Dec. 2nd-Dec. 8th)

36 runs in, 11 weeks down, 14 weeks to go and I’ll be running the Saturday Rock N’ Roll Marathon in Washington, DC.

Week 11 Statistics!

Average Run

  • 41:13 minutes

Average Pace

  • 9:13 /mile

Average Distance

  • 4.52 miles

Notable week 11 information:

  • Injury.  After my five mile run on week 10’s saturday, I had some pain in my hip.  It got pretty bad on Saturday night, but was gone Sunday.  Before my Monday morning run though, during my sleep, my leg hurt and throbbed all night, keeping me up.  I had done stretches and such, but it didn’t really help.  The pain was still there on Tuesday and on Wednesday (leading me to decide not to run on Wednesday, although I had planned to earlier).  I decided to go to see my chiropractor.  Dr. Joe did an excellent job.  He massaged the muscle, put on some penetrating gel (and provided me some for home), and used a cold laser on the area, as well as the typical adjustment.  My leg felt great, the pain was gone, and I ran with no problems on Thursday morning.
  • I ran 6 miles on Saturday!  From my house to Potomac View High School’s stone entrance and back.  It seems like a long distance to run just thinking about it!  It felt really good though, and the weather was perfect for a run.  My leg started getting a little sore at around the 3/4 complete mark, but I took an easier pace the whole way (8:53), and seemed to have saved my leg from severe pain.  I stretched it out extra when I got home, put on the gel Dr. Joe had given me, and my pain slowly faded away.

“Run when you can, walk when you have to, crawl if you must; just never give up.” 
-Dean Karnazes 


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Week 10! Big Milestone reached

Week 10!

It’s been a big week.  This week was the first week we were challenged to run 5 miles, which we did, on Saturday.  It was exciting to start the run, and I felt great about getting into it.  Mile 1, 2, and 3 went by pretty uneventfully (as I’ve been running this distance almost 10 weeks now).  Mile 4 and 5 were interesting.

I had been keeping up a blistering pace (for me, anyway) – under 8 min/mile, and I felt really good with it.  I decided to try and keep it up for the whole 5 miles.  Usually, I’d fall off towards the end.  I did keep on the gas though, and I started feeling my chest getting tight in the middle of the 4th mile.  By the 5th mile, I was hurting, and as I had designed my route to have a hill at the end I knew it was going to hurt even more.

I ended up having an average pace for the 5 mile run of 7:57/mile (39 minutes, 51 seconds), my best pace since I started running.  I know it’s not all about pace – but it was a minor goal that I was happy to reach.  To the stats!

The run of the 1st of December was my 34st training run, the last run of the 10th week!  (Week 10: Nov. 25th-Dec. 1st)

34 runs in, 10 weeks down, 15 weeks to go and I’ll be running the Saturday Rock N’ Roll Marathon in Washington, DC.

Week 10 Statistics!

Average Run

  • 36:01 minutes

Average Pace

  • 8:33 /mile

Average Distance

  • 4.19 miles

Notable week 9 information:

  • As said above, 5 miles run!
  • I went walking through the mall afterwards, and my outer groin (right where the hip connects to the inner thigh) was KILLING me.  it hurt for each step.  I’m going to have to investigate which stretches can help me keep this limber to avoid painful runs in the future (especially when I am running further distances).
  • If you add up all of the miles over the 10 weeks that I’ve run since starting training with the Runtastic app, it’s 104.21 miles, or past Baltimore and just about to Elkton, MD


I normally end with a quote.  Usually it’s some encouraging words that are relevant to the weeks run, something that is inspiring that might help inspire someone else.  While searching for something this week, I came across this, and have to share, because I found it very inspiring (and I freaking love Bruce Lee).  It also has to do with running, with reaching 5 miles, and with reaching your upper limits.


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Training week 9 – done!

The run of the 24th of November was my 31st training run, the last run of the 9th week!  (Week 9: Nov. 18th-Nov. 24th)

31 runs in, 9 weeks down, 16 weeks to go and I’ll be running the Saturday Rock N’ Roll Marathon in Washington, DC.

Week 9 Statistics!

Average Run

  • 30:29 minutes

Average Pace

  • 8:57 /mile

Average Distance

  • 3.40 miles

Notable week 9 information:

  • WELL, even though Chris and I knew it was upcoming, we failed to follow the schedule we have been following.  Week 9 was supposed to be the switching point from time trainings (we’ve been running 30 minutes for a while) to distance trainings.  We will start running the distance training Monday; with 3 miles being the goal, Wednesday; with 4 miles, Thursday; 3 miles, and Saturday; 5 miles.  Each Saturday from here until quite near the end, an extra mile will be added on, so in 5 months we’ll be running 10 miles on Saturday.  I’m a bit worried, but not from a running/fitness perspective, but more in a mental one.  I’m worried that I’ll be bored to tears running 10 miles.  I might be loading up the iPhone with an audio book to keep me company.

“The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Week 8 – The importance of a training partner

I’ve never been one to overestimate myself.  I’m pretty ‘real’ when it comes to my shortcomings, as much as I am confident in my abilities.  One of my main shortcomings in life is sustaining drive.  It’s hard for me to keep momentum going.  I get really amped for a little while on something, and end up giving it up when I’m later bored with whatever it is I was amped about.  Two months ago, I was amped about running a marathon, and about training for it.  I was worried though, that I wouldn’t succeed.  That I’d give up training for it, and not finish what I had started.

I set up built in failsafes.

  • I signed up and paid for the marathon.
  • I publicly set up a blog to keep me accountable to myself
  • most importantly though, I found a training partner.


I was discussing my goals with my neighbor Chris, who mentioned he had the same problem with working out.  He’d get all motivated, but that motivation would taper off and he’d stop doing it.  He asked me if I minded if he joined me on my marathon quest, and I was jazzed right away.  Having someone on the same path, waiting for you outside in the cold at 5:30am is a serious motivator.  We both know we want to run, we both know we need to run to train for the marathon, and the fact that we’ve both decided to do this thing together keeps us both still doing it.  Sometimes though, your partner has life stuff, and can’t race for a few days.  This happened this week, for Chris.  His wife was out of town, which meant he couldn’t leave in the morning on Wednesday or Thursday to run.

This shouldn’t have been a problem.  He’s missed a couple of other days for other reasons before, as have I, but we’ve made them up, or run by ourselves for the day.  This Wednesday, I heard the alarm go off, and looked at it.  My internal dialogue told me to turn it off and go to sleep, it’s just one day off.  My conscious mind – already bored-ish with running, agreed, and that’s what I did.  I was guilty all day long.  Thursday morning, the alarm went off, and my internal dialogue was similar.  Just as Wednesday, I went back to sleep, and didn’t run.

I agonized all day Thursday and Friday about it.  I should have gone.  I should have had the willpower to get off my ass and go run, but I didn’t.  I chose not to.  Without Chris to run with, I had a way out, and in a weak moment or two in the morning, I opted for it.

I’m so happy to have Chris to run with in the mornings, because he helps keep me on track – and I need that right now, while I build the habit stronger.

All that said, I did get two runs in this week; Monday and Saturday.

The run of the 17th of November was my 27th training run, the last run of the 8th week!  (Week 8: Nov. 12th-Nov. 17th)

27 runs in, 8 weeks down, 17 weeks to go and I’ll be running the Saturday Rock N’ Roll Marathon in Washington, DC.

Week 8 Statistics!

Average Run

  • 30:01 minutes

Average Pace

  • 8:33 /mile

Average Distance

  • 3.51 miles

Notable week 8 information:

  • I learned this week that I should NOT eat anything before going running.  I had a major cramp on Monday’s run, from about mile 3 til the end.  I need to do some research into how runners deal with abdominal cramps while out running.

“Stay on Target” – Jek Porkins, Red Six