
Evolution of a Man

Week 13, and allllllls well (except for my leg, and calves)



        “This sign is delicious”  -Tree

The run of the 22nd of December was my 43rd training run, the last run of the 13th week!  (Week 13: Dec. 16th-Dec. 22nd)

43 runs in, 13 weeks down, 12 weeks to go and I’ll be running the Saturday Rock N’ Roll Marathon in Washington, DC.

Week 13 Statistics!

Average Run

  • 00:44:54

Average Pace

  • 8:31 /mile

Average Distance

  • 5.25 miles

Notable week 13 information:

  • Week thirteen marks the halfway point in my marathon training!  13 down, and 12 left to go.
  • I ran 10 miles on Saturday.  10 miles is a heck of a long way, and my body is telling me about it even now, 5 hours laters.  My hips hurt, and the back of my calves are stiff and sore.  I see a bath in the future, or at the very least some icy hot.  The run itself wasn’t bad, in fact I felt great running it.  It was the last leg of the journey, the last 1/4 that was a killer.  I was feeling it, but not too badly.
  • Chris and I still haven’t gone to get the gel stuff for running the long runs, nor are we taking water with us.  We’re heading this week to the running store to pick up some gear and tips.  This morning, about a half hour before I went, I ate a half a banana (chewed extra thoroughly), and chugged a whole glass of water.  I am always cautious now of eating before running, but it worked out fine.  Not a hint of a cramp, and not a hint of dehydration upon return.
  • I’ve begun working on protein replacement upon return.  It has to happen quickly – first thing when you get back. I’ve ordered some protein from Dr. Mercola’s website (some organic stuff, with no ingredient whatsoever that you don’t find growing or right out of an animal), but it hasn’t yet got here.  I downed a big glass of milk for protein this time, and fixed two large egg/ham/mayo sammiches, and man were they good.
  • I’ve continued on my book journey; reading the Lord of the Rings on audio CD for the 5th time.  Frodo and company have just met Strider in Bree, and shit just got real with some Black Riders.


“..all that is gold does not glitter” – Gandalf

2 thoughts on “Week 13, and allllllls well (except for my leg, and calves)

  1. For my Halifax/Dartmouth Peeps – a 10 mile run is leaving my house on Otago Drive in Cole Harbour, running down Portland street until you get to the bridge, go across to Gottingen street, go to the citadel, loop the citadel, head back down Gottingen to the bridge, re-cross it, and end roughly at Alderney Gate.

    For my Cape Breton Peeps, that’s a run from my Mom’s house in St. Peter’s past L’ardoise to Duncan’s Lake (or the other way, almost to Louisdale).

    For my Virginia Peeps, from my house in Lowe’s Island, down Algonkian Parkway towards countryside, past the countryside lights to the next set at the top of the hill and then back.

    • I’m getting worried that you’re going to hurt yourself. I know it’s the mother in me but not everyone was designed to run that far. I know I know but I’m just saying.

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